Dr. Michael Revere. DVM

Michael Revere graduated from Oklahoma State University in 1985. During his Junior year, Dr. Revere was proudly inducted into the Phi Zeta National Veterinary Honor Society for being in the top 10% of his class.
He ran one of the busiest animal clinics in Houston for over 20 years. In 2005 Dr. Revere sold his practice to pursue other interests in farming. Now Dr. Revere is back. He feels there is a need in Houston for a clinic that does only Ear Cropping. So many Vets these days refuse ear cropping, or the ones who do charge a price that is out of reach for many people. Some of these people resort to underground illegal unlicensed surgeries, often with tragic consequences.
Dr. Revere is a Vegan, and because he dislikes the way that food animals are raised, he tries to stay away from all animal products. Dr. Revere also does not hunt or fish. He has nothing against those who do, but he himself prefers not to.
"Vets who do ear cropping are responding to a demand that will always be there, and it is the vets who love animals the most who must ensure that this meticulous cosmetic surgery is done in the most comfortable and humane way. We work night and day to improve techniques and drugs for our beloved animal friends. People will resort to illegal ear cropping if an affordable licensed Veterinarian is not available. Prohibition never works. Cosmetic surgery of dogs is best left in the hands of those of us who are experts, not just in the art of the ear trim, but in proper medicine in all avenues."
"Ear trimming is not easy. It requires true artistry and skill to do this right and years of practice. It also takes a great deal of very specialized knowledge, and you must do this every day to gain that knowledge. My greatest reward is seeing the glow on the faces of clients when they see the ears for the first time. I also get tremendous satisfaction in knowing that my puppies are going to be much more happy and comfortable because of some of the techniques we pioneered here. Ear cropping is definitely not like the old days."
Dr Revere pledges that he will use the latest in anesthesia and surgery at a price everyone can afford. He has developed his own method of bracing the ear that is much more comfortable than older methods. Dr. Revere invites you to call him or come meet him and discuss you ear cropping needs with the only Vet in Houston that devotes full time to the art of Ear cropping.
Dr. Revere Vs. the State Board
When I first came to Houston in 1985, I decided I wanted to be different. I thought many of the vets in Houston were so expensive that the poor and the middle class often could not afford proper care for their pets. Also, many Spanish speaking folks had no clinic to go to that understood them. In short I decided to open a lower cost vet clinic in downtown Houston and have all bilingual secretaries to help everyone get affordable, understandable care. Little did I know how popular this clinic would be. Eventually, we were seeing over 100 clients per day. I was overwhelmed, and desperately wanted to hire other doctors to help me with the increasing load. The problem was, no one wanted to work for me. The work volume was too large and some doctors told me frankly they did not want to work in that area of town.
I came across a doctor from Monterrey Mexico who was willing to work, the problem was he was not licensed here in the U.S. yet. I hired him as a technician. However, he was a doctor and wanted to be addressed as such and one day he showed me an official rule book of the AVMA (the AVMA is the largest Veterinary association in the U.S. and a very reputable organization) which showed according to them it was acceptable to be referred to as Doctor if he held a degree in another country. So we called him doctor.
The State Board found out about this and issued me a reprimand saying that it did not matter what the AVMA said, I was presenting an unlicensed Doctor as licensed and that I was at fault. Looking back I see that they were clearly correct and that I should have not called him doctor.
That same Doctor later got his license and now runs his own clinic here in the Houston area.
I have always been the kind of doctor who loves what I do. I am addicted to continuing education and try to stay abreast of the latest that medicine can offer. I think it is every doctors duty to offer the client the best medicine they can afford. When I was growing up, I was very poor and understand fully what it is like not having money, so I have a special understanding of the poor what they go through. That is why I try to keep my prices affordable and that is an ethic I have lived by since first starting here in Houston back in 1985.
Thank You,
Dr. Revere
He ran one of the busiest animal clinics in Houston for over 20 years. In 2005 Dr. Revere sold his practice to pursue other interests in farming. Now Dr. Revere is back. He feels there is a need in Houston for a clinic that does only Ear Cropping. So many Vets these days refuse ear cropping, or the ones who do charge a price that is out of reach for many people. Some of these people resort to underground illegal unlicensed surgeries, often with tragic consequences.
Dr. Revere is a Vegan, and because he dislikes the way that food animals are raised, he tries to stay away from all animal products. Dr. Revere also does not hunt or fish. He has nothing against those who do, but he himself prefers not to.
"Vets who do ear cropping are responding to a demand that will always be there, and it is the vets who love animals the most who must ensure that this meticulous cosmetic surgery is done in the most comfortable and humane way. We work night and day to improve techniques and drugs for our beloved animal friends. People will resort to illegal ear cropping if an affordable licensed Veterinarian is not available. Prohibition never works. Cosmetic surgery of dogs is best left in the hands of those of us who are experts, not just in the art of the ear trim, but in proper medicine in all avenues."
"Ear trimming is not easy. It requires true artistry and skill to do this right and years of practice. It also takes a great deal of very specialized knowledge, and you must do this every day to gain that knowledge. My greatest reward is seeing the glow on the faces of clients when they see the ears for the first time. I also get tremendous satisfaction in knowing that my puppies are going to be much more happy and comfortable because of some of the techniques we pioneered here. Ear cropping is definitely not like the old days."
Dr Revere pledges that he will use the latest in anesthesia and surgery at a price everyone can afford. He has developed his own method of bracing the ear that is much more comfortable than older methods. Dr. Revere invites you to call him or come meet him and discuss you ear cropping needs with the only Vet in Houston that devotes full time to the art of Ear cropping.
Dr. Revere Vs. the State Board
When I first came to Houston in 1985, I decided I wanted to be different. I thought many of the vets in Houston were so expensive that the poor and the middle class often could not afford proper care for their pets. Also, many Spanish speaking folks had no clinic to go to that understood them. In short I decided to open a lower cost vet clinic in downtown Houston and have all bilingual secretaries to help everyone get affordable, understandable care. Little did I know how popular this clinic would be. Eventually, we were seeing over 100 clients per day. I was overwhelmed, and desperately wanted to hire other doctors to help me with the increasing load. The problem was, no one wanted to work for me. The work volume was too large and some doctors told me frankly they did not want to work in that area of town.
I came across a doctor from Monterrey Mexico who was willing to work, the problem was he was not licensed here in the U.S. yet. I hired him as a technician. However, he was a doctor and wanted to be addressed as such and one day he showed me an official rule book of the AVMA (the AVMA is the largest Veterinary association in the U.S. and a very reputable organization) which showed according to them it was acceptable to be referred to as Doctor if he held a degree in another country. So we called him doctor.
The State Board found out about this and issued me a reprimand saying that it did not matter what the AVMA said, I was presenting an unlicensed Doctor as licensed and that I was at fault. Looking back I see that they were clearly correct and that I should have not called him doctor.
That same Doctor later got his license and now runs his own clinic here in the Houston area.
I have always been the kind of doctor who loves what I do. I am addicted to continuing education and try to stay abreast of the latest that medicine can offer. I think it is every doctors duty to offer the client the best medicine they can afford. When I was growing up, I was very poor and understand fully what it is like not having money, so I have a special understanding of the poor what they go through. That is why I try to keep my prices affordable and that is an ethic I have lived by since first starting here in Houston back in 1985.
Thank You,
Dr. Revere
A statement from our Doctor
"Some of the most devoted dog owners crop the ears on their dogs. They love their pets just as much as anyone else. They have a right to want a beautiful pet, and in the eyes of many, a dog with a cropped set of ears is truly beautiful. Ear cropping is not like the old days, modern medicine and techniques have changed things dramatically."
"Some of the most devoted dog owners crop the ears on their dogs. They love their pets just as much as anyone else. They have a right to want a beautiful pet, and in the eyes of many, a dog with a cropped set of ears is truly beautiful. Ear cropping is not like the old days, modern medicine and techniques have changed things dramatically."
Dr.Revere's Ranch
Dr. Revere lives on a ranch just outside The Woodlands, Texas. Dr. Revere has always loved animals and it is his dream come true to have some land and be around animals near his home. Here are pictures of some animals that live on Dr. Revere's ranch.